
FCE Writing · Part 1 · Essay

 Structure 1. Title : it must capture the reader's attention.  2. Introduction :  introduce the subject in a general way  2. Paragraph 2 : is about the 1st idea about the subject 3. Paragraph 3 : is about the 2nd idea about the subject 4. Paragraph 4 : is about you own idea 5. Conclusion : sums up the previous ideas exposed and in a way it is linked to the title (it answers the question of the title or makes a reference to it) Other tips: Using a question as a title is a good way to catch the reader's attention. Use advanced expressions, phrasal verbs, idioms and collocations. You will be rewarded if you use linkers such as: whereas, however, yet, despite... Use slightly formal or neutral language.  Give information, compare, contrast and finally give your opinion. Concerning content and keeping it short: read the task and do exactly  what it says.  Spend some time planning, that will make your work more effective. Find here a detailed guide to plan and write you essay: How to

FCE Writing - Basic knowledge

There are two parts which are the 20% of the final mark of the exam. You have 80 minutes to write two texts; both writings must be between 140 and 190 words.  Manage time wisely  You should spend equal time on both writings. That gives you 40 minutes per text. A good way to plan it would be spending  10 minutes - planning 25 minutes - writing  5 minutes - checking

Writing activities (Advanced Didactics English Language)

TALO activity  Click on the image to access the answer sheet. This activity can be done individually or in pairs. It is to review numbers and how to spell them. Each students should be given a printed sheet with the text and a printed chart like the following one. Evaluation   TAVI activity  Ready to swim? TASP activity Infographics is the union between the words information and graphic. It is designed to make data easy and understandable at a glance. It is normally made with an image accompanied by a short text. It must be simple and attractive.  In groups of 6 people, the students will have to collect interesting facts or amazing experiences from 10 people from the school, and create their own infographic.  Download the rubric clicking here

Speaking activity - Tour guides

  Dear ICTeachers,  linking our learning to potential real life situations, is always inspirational.  Talking about the city or town we were born is clearly motivating.    Here is an activity in which students must to talk about important monuments or places from their own city/town as if they were tour guides. Since I am from Girona, the example is about this city, but it could be from anywhere!   Click on the image to access the sheet.    

Writing activity - Comic strip

  Dear ICTeacher,    comic books are a great way to foster both creativity and writing skills.  Here is a scheme to use as a reference to create your own story.     Here is an example of a story created with StoryBoard That , a great online tool to create your own comic short story.     

Reading activity

Dear ICTeachers,  Here is an attractive way to make reading interesting through an interactive sheet made with genially.  Find here a reading comprehension linked to a shared google document to write the answers.    Type of activity: reading Subject: what to do in summer    Go to the reading  Infographic resource: Kline, M. (n.d). 10 Super Fun Ways to Make Summer Last. Kids discover.