Speaking activity - Tour guides


Dear ICTeachers, 

linking our learning to potential real life situations, is always inspirational. Talking about the city or town we were born is clearly motivating. 


Here is an activity in which students must to talk about important monuments or places from their own city/town as if they were tour guides. Since I am from Girona, the example is about this city, but it could be from anywhere!


Access the sheet

Click on the image to access the sheet.




  1. Hello Berta!
    This activity is very inspirational. Getting students to talk about something they know always works very well! Apart from that, I think that dealing with real life situations is the best way to learn.
    However, I don't understand very well the activity. Do the students have to talk about their city? If so, since we are talking about Primary Education, I think it is better to guide the work a little bit. For example, I would give the students the transcription of the recording, and tell them the useful expressions they can use in their recordings. In Primary Education, students are not able to work without the teacher guide in some cases, I guess.
    Thanks for sharing!

    1. Dear Mariola, thank you for your comment.
      To do the activity, you should open the pdf file, there are three images of famous buildings of the city of Girona. When clicking on the Vocaroo access, you will be redirected to a page where you can record your voice. Once you have recorded yourself - previously you must have a text to read, of course - you must download the bidi code and paste it next to the image. To make it more illustrative, I did an example with the image of the Cathedral.
      About what you were saying on that we are talking about Primary Education, it depends on how advanced is their level or which course are you using the activity for, 6th grades are independent enough, probably the 1st grades need a bit more of help.
      Giving them the transcription is a good idea, but giving them useful expressions is a better one, from my perspective. Helen Doron, a linguist and educator, defends that students are capable of saying in a foreign language the same as they are able to say in their native language. We must trust in their possibilities and help them only when they really need it. I believe this is the way to really help them to trust on their own capacites.
      Again thank you for sharing your opinion.

  2. Hi Berta!
    I love this activity! I think it is indeed really original and it will highly motivate our students. And think it is an amazing way for them not only to share what they already know, but also to make them question themselves about other places and get them to research for more information.
    I will definitely use it in one of my lessons shortly and let you know how it goes.
    Thank you for your posts!
    Laura López

    1. Hi Laura!
      Thank you very much for sharing your view. I am glad to hear you will use this idea in one of your lessons, and I am willing to know how it goes!


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